Today, racist remarks are made openly without any fear or respect to each other. Recently, I watch a documentary in a paid TV channel on racial genocide carried out in an African country couple of years ago. My heart burst into tears when I see the cruelty mankind can do to one another under the context of racial difference.
I turn to my Bible to look for an answer. Like in all matters of life, when we need the Truth, the real answers, we have to go to our final authority in all matters, the Bible.
The book of Galatians 3:28 says “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” This passage gives a clear indication, that in Christ we are all called the children of God. In his book, In Peace with God, Billy Graham stated that "When true Christians look at other people, they see no color, nor class, nor condition, but simply human beings with the same longings, needs and aspirations as our own."
The Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) say that God shows no partiality, but judges with complete justice. Likewise, Jesus showed no partiality. By example, we are also told to show no partiality, but treat everyone fairly.
During Jesus ministry on earth, the Samaritans being treated badly. They were hated by the Jews. The Jews despised the region of Samaria which is located 42 miles north of Jerusalem. In fact, they will avoid Samaria and take alternate and more difficult route when they travel between Galilee and Judea.
For your info, Samaritans were Jews who later intermarried with Gentiles. The intermarriage created a mixed race in the eye of first century Jew. Thus, the pure Jew in Jesus 'day hated this mixed race called Samaritans, feeling that they had betrayed their people and their nation.
Jesus did not despise Samaritans. The bible recorded many accounts of Jesus passing Samaria and performing miracle among Samaritans. Jesus healed a Samaritan leper (Luke 17:16). He in fact honored Samaritan for his kindness (Luke 10:30-37), and preached to the Samaritans (John 4:40-42). Jesus even challenged His disciples to go to Samaria and He rebuked his disciples when they once asked of the Samaritans, "Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?" (Luke 9:54-55)
Jesus told us, "As I have loved you so you must love one another," (John 13-.34). Jesus showed us through his ministry on earth that Christian love did not recognize race.
So in conclusion, people may have white skin, black skin, brown skin, yellow skin, red skin, or any other color skin, they may have different ethnic backgrounds, but they are all part of the same race, the human race! We all originated from the first creation, Great Grandpa Adam and Great Grandma Eve. The Bible says that ALL MEN are created in the image of God. I pray when we look at others, we will see them from the eyes of Jesus.
Have a great weekend and God Bless.
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