In today’s blog, I want to share about two precious Rangers whom I have seen them growing in this ministry in Melaka #1.
First of all, let me introduce you, Outpost Commander Bryan Lee. Cmdr. Bryan Lee has been involved in the RR ministry since his tender age. I have personally seen him growing both spiritually and in leadership over the years. His father would faithfully send him for RR meeting every week and without fail, he would thank the Commanders. In my last two years in Melaka, Bryan Lee was my Junior Commander in Adventure Rangers group. He has been a faithful assistant and been a great help. I am so proud to hear positive feedback about this fine young man. Today, he is the Outpost Commander for the Adventure Ranger’s group in Melaka. I rejoice to see him taking the baton from me in leading the Adventure Ranger group into a new height. Despite his busy university schedule, he still commits his time and energy to serve the Master Ranger. In fact I was told that he took the leadership to organize the recent DARE 2008 RR Melaka #1 Camp. Good job Cmdr. Bryan. I am proud of you. I hope to see you one day as the Senior Commander of Melaka #1. May the richest of God’s blessing be upon you.
Secondly, let me share with you about another fine ranger, Expedition Ranger Stefanie Sim. I had the pleasure of being Stefanie’s commander for many years and had the privilege of seeing her growing from her younger days to her teenage days. I still remember her days in Buckaroos (the youngest age group in RR). Today, I rejoice together will all the commanders and rangers of Melaka #1 to see Stefanie being awarded the highest award a ranger can achieve in RR….the Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA). Stefanie has been working hard on the GMA requirement for many years and finally she managed to go through the GMA interview and was awarded the GMA. In fact, Stefanie is the first GMA recipients in the entire RR Southern District of Malaysia. Stefanie is also active in sports especially in fencing. She represented the state of Melaka in the last SUKMA game. Stephanie, thank you for making Melaka #1 proud. Understand from the leaders in Melaka #1 that Stefanie is now being promoted to Junior Commander. Stefanie, continue to serve the Master Ranger with all your heart and shine for Jesus in all your ways.
Lastly, I want to honor all the Commanders of RR Melaka #1 namely (alphabatical order) Cmdr. Errol Gan, Cmdr. Ivan Foo, Cmdr Jason Chiew, Cmdr. Jessica Han Cmdr. Steven Chia…and not forgetting the other present and past commanders for your faithfulness in serving the Master Ranger. The Lord will reward your faithfulness.
Fuyooooh! Cannot take it ,man. Tears welling up my eyes! But hey, they [ Bryan, Stefanie and the rest of the commanders ] are the best family to have around,man!
wooooooowowowowweeeeeeeeeeeee an article on me.....bangganya!!!!!
shy man..haha...
To all the commanders & leaders of RR (past, present & future)
Keep up the good work & may the Lord continue to use you all as His vessels to touch the lives of the children.
Dave & Caleb LOVE you!!
Thanks Abby for your encouragement.
Don't shy-shy-lar! You people deserve it. BTW, PYT's in Penang , for your info, Bryan is still single and very available. Stefanie is also single and available but you've gotta watch out for her kicks! Ha.....ha.....ha.........
Firstly, congrats to Bryan and Stefanie for doing a good job back in RR.
I still remember those days Com Vive and Com Ivan taught us. Hey, you know what, just wanna say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Big thank you to all and God bless..
Thank you Allan for the encouragement.
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