In life, one thing is certain - DEATH. What we don’t know is the date, time and how it will happen but death is certain. Life & death is in the hands of the Mighty One. When our time is up, He will call us back to be with Him.
Having said that, we are still responsible on how we live the life that God has entrusted to us. Recently, I receive a message from my sister informing me that a pastor whom I know passed away suddenly. He is just in his early 40’s. A great man of God. A man who is so passionate about God. We may think what a premature death but this man has done so much for the Lord. His wake service had over 300 friends and church members giving their last respect. During the funeral service, I was told that many people come up and give eulogy about this man of God and what he has done. I have been to wake service where there are hardly 25 people and hardly anything was said about the deceased.
Someone once said that when we die, we leave our inheritance and one of the inheritances is our legacy. Proverbs 13:22 says "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children."
A legacy is something significant, but not usually tangible; valuable, but not always visible. We need to ask ourselves today whether in our action, in our response or in our service, we are leaving any footprints in people’s lives. Of course footprints here is referring to the good things that we leave behind. Some may end up leaving a negative legacy and the world rejoice on their demise.
The Apostle Paul talks about legacy in II Timothy 1:1-7 when he told Timothy “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you”. Timothy was the beneficiary of a generational legacy of faith – a devout faith that was alive in his mother and, before that, in her mother. Eunice and Lois left a lasting legacy of faith that shaped their son and grandson in a vital and eternal way.
What kind of lasting legacy will we leave for our children and grandchildren? By the grace of God, may it be a positive legacy that will build others.
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