Thursday, November 27, 2008

Silent Prayers

Today, I grieve with the family members who have lost their love one in last night Mumbai horrific terrorist attack. Over 100 people have died in this horrendous attack. I pray that the Lord will surround them with His unchanging love and peace especially in times like this.

I wonder what was going on inside the mind of the killers? Have they ever wondered that all of us come from the same offspring that is Adam and Eve? I wonder what makes a person to be so revengeful until innocent lives are downed in split seconds.

Today, over 100 families might have lost a father, a mother, a son or a daughter. For some, it may be a loss of a sole bread winner for the home. For some, it is the loss of a sole care taker. I pray that the Lord will make a way for them.

I wonder when will all this come to an end. When will human being learn to respect each other and live harmoniously? When? When?

I suggest we offer a silent prayers for those family who lost their love one. May their soul rest in peace.

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