Monday, December 15, 2008

Grace of Giving

It is 10 days to go before Christmas. One of the greatest lesson we can learn from Christmas is about the Grace of Giving. God the Father gave us His only begotten Son so that we will not perish but have eternal life. The promise hope for mankind that mention as early as in Genesis and in the book of Isaiah comes to fulfillment when Jesus was born in a humble manger so that he can be accessible to all mankind, from the shepherd to the wise men.

Christmas is a time where we bless others with gifts. But above all, I trust the Lord is looking at our heart. It is the attitude of giving that the Lord is looking at in our heart.

Paul in his second letter to the Corinthian Christians describe about the grace of giving among the Macedonian Christian (2 Corinthians 8:1-12). He was using them as an example to the Corinth church. During that time, the church in Jerusalem was going through difficult moments. There was famine and a great deal of poverty in Jerusalem. In response, the apostle Paul spent close to ten years taking up a collection for the needy in Jerusalem. Paul says despite severe trial and extreme poverty, the Macedonian gave to the needs of their brethrens in Jerusalem out of overflowing joy. The poverty of the Macedonians is confirmed by secular history. The Romans took most of their wealth when they conquered this former homeland of Alexander the Great. They were so motivated by their dedication to Christ, their love for fellow believers, and the joy of helping others that they opened up their hearts and wallets and gave generously.

In a world of self-centeredness, this doesn't make any human sense. I believe when we experienced the grace of God in our lives, we won't use difficult circumstances in our lives as an excuse not to give. I believe that is what defined as the grace of giving. Giving is a work of God’s grace in us. The Macedonian Christians did not just give but the bible records that they gave enthusiastically – they actually pleaded to give to God. What an awesome grace of giving in them!!!

As Christmas is approaching near, let us look around us and see if there is a need where we can exercise the grace of giving. There maybe someone who is in need. Why not offer our life and our resources so that His name will be glorified.

Be Blessed and have a great week ahead.

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