Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Instead of worrying, pray. - Philippians 4:6 TM

Striving to do better is a good thing, but perfectionism guarantees misery, for in life "it's always something!" The mother of three children complained to her doctor, "I just can't get the house cleaned the way I like it before everyone leaves in the morning." She was so stressed out he put her on antidepressants. It was like she'd a gun at her head and a voice inside saying, "Every dish must be put away and every towel folded - or else!" Life had become one big emergency and she could never "catch up." Yet no one but herself had created the stress she was experiencing - and distributing to others! Answer these questions:

(1) Have my goals and responsibilities become so all-consuming that I've forgotten how to rejoice along the way, or to cut myself some slack?

(2) Have I made my preferences a condition for my happiness?

(3) Do I beat myself up when I can't meet my self-created deadlines?"

The first step toward recovering your peace of mind is to admit that you are creating most of your stress. Life will go on wonderfully even if it doesn't go according to your plan. Don't wait until you lose your family or have a heart attack before you discover that. Whether it's obsessing over your looks or your performance at home or on the job, the roots of perfectionism grow in the soil of insecurity. It whispers, "You'll never measure up!" That's a lie; don't believe it. You are loved, approved and accepted - by God! Your worth comes from Him, and His opinion of you never changes!

Be Blessed

Note: The article is taken from The Word for Today", by Rhema Broadcasting Group in association with The Vine - www.thevine.co.nz. The original title of the article is "Healed From Perfectionism!"

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