Monday, October 5, 2009

God's Love

Many lonely sailors have been cheered by the flashing signal from Minot's light off Scituate in Massachusetts. The signal spells "I love you" in nautical code. Several years ago the Coast Guard decided to replace the old equipment. They announced that for technical reasons the new machines wouldn't be able to flash the "I love you" message. The public protested and the Coast Guard weakened. The old equipment remains and continues to send its message of love to the ships.

The greatest message you can ever hear is this: " God Loves You. The message that should be on the lips of every Christian as they move about their world is "God Loves You." The Bible says "God is Love".

God’s great gift of His Son, was a message to this sinful world, “ I love you.” Oh, the wonder of it all just to think that God loves me. John 4:10 says "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sin."

Do you believe that ? Have you grasp that ? Have you allowed this precious truth to pierce your heart ? God loves me, my sin He does not love, but my soul He does.

The God of Eternity loves us ! Be Blessed.

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