Monday, April 13, 2009

Christian Experience....

Recently, I was reflecting on a quote from Charles F Banning that says "Too many of us have a Christian vocabulary rather than a Christian experience. We think we are doing our duty when we're only talking about it."

It is indeed a very appropriate quote that reflects many of us today. In the context of Christian service, there are many who will come forward and give great suggestions and recommendations and in fact would quote Bible verses to support their opinions but not many are willing to plow the land and make their hands dirty.

One principle that I learn over the years that I believe is a key to Christian service is the importance of yielding ourselves to God and having a servant's heart. When a person yields himself to God, putting aside all pride, God can work with that yielded life. You see, God is perfectly righteous, just, and holy, and knows our limitations as humans.

Dwight L. Moody gave this illustration:

A farmer went with his son into a wheat field, to see if it was ready for the harvest. "See, father," exclaimed the boy, "how straight these stems hold up their heads! They must be the best ones. Those that hang their heads down, I am sure cannot be good for much." The farmer plucked a stalk of each kind and said: "See here, foolish child! This stalk that stood so straight is light-headed, and almost good for nothing; while this that hung its head, so modestly is full of the most beautiful grain."

Well, when we surrender our lives to Jesus, He works in us and through us - and brings forth fruit - from the surrendered life.

Be Blessed

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