1. Never speak negatively about self.
It is crucial that we do not speak negatively about ourselves as we tend to believe what we say more than what everybody else is saying.
2. Be ambitious, but advance in small steps.
No mountain can be conquered in one go.
3. Take time to celebrate each and every positive step we make.
This is one of the best ways in which we refuel our energy, motivation, and self-confidence.
4. Exercise our talents by focusing on our strengths, not our weaknesses.
We must find out what we like to do and that we do well, then we must do it over and over. The corollary being that we should not spend all our time trying to do something we are not good at.
5. Don't compare self to others.
Comparison invites condemnation, not recognition and appreciation. Instead, compete against absolute standards and give your best.
6. Learn to fail with grace.
It is OK to fail as long as we have given ourselves all the chance to succeed and we have learned the lessons. And above all, we should never see a failure as the end of the road. On the contrary, each failure will take us one step closer to success, if we manage to learn the lessons from it. Also, we must learn the secret of staying at peace with ourselves regardless of the situation we are in, we must learn to handle success with humbleness and failure with inner strength.
7. Focus on potential, not limitations.
We all have far more potential than we think and we can increase our realized potential any time we choose. Potential-unlocking is not age-related.
8. Have the courage to be different.
To develop a high self-factor requires us to be completely and fully ourselves. This means that we have to take a chance on not being like everyone else as we are all different and all have different talents, gifts, and abilities. We need to determine our own worth: we should not let others do it for us.
9. Be open to feedback and criticism.
Don't let others take control of us by putting their problems off on us. The sooner we realize that no matter what we do will probably never get the affirmation we desire from certain persons, the better. We must learn to become self-validating persons. Of course, it is perfectly OK to look for outside validation as long as we do not derive our sense of worth from it.
10. Keep our flaws in perspective.
We all have flaws and what we may regard, as flaws in our eyes might well be perceived as great assets in the eyes of others.We should certainly recognize our faults and weaknesses, but people with a high self-factor get their eyes off the one imperfection and look at everything in perspective.