31st August is around the corner and Malaysians are in the “Merdeka” mood. 31st August 2010 will mark our nation’s 53 years of independence. Malaysia has come a long way since 1957. Every year, I look forward for the Merdeka celebration especially watching the Merdeka parade and seeing our soldiers and uniform body marching proudly with our national flag flying high. Oh…I am so proud to be a Malaysian.
A very high percentage of those celebrating “Merdeka” are those of born after “Merdeka”…also known as post “Merdeka” babies. Many would not understand the true meaning of independence and the struggles that our fore fathers have to go through to seek independence for this beautiful nation. Although we have advanced in many areas and aspire to be a first world country, there are many fundamental aspect of nationhood that has been lacking badly. Areas that I am deeply concern includes our mindset, our values, our economy, our patriotism and our respect for each other that goes beyond the boundary of race, religion and ethnic group.
I believe a nation is a good and welfare state when it is built on the principles of honesty, morality, justice and fairness. Righteousness, morality and justice provide the foundation for a just and welfare nation. Its pillars are principles of human dignity and freedom, truth and knowledge, personal responsibility and stewardship, and the rule of law.
As Malaysian, we need to focus on building this nation especially on establishing rock solid foundation. I believe one of the core foundations of nation building is the bond of unity among the people of Malaysia. Unfortunately the very core of this foundation that was built by great leaders like our first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman and others leaders is slowly being destroyed by the current set of politicians. Self centeredness is destroying our beloved nation. There are various political tools being used to disseminate disunity among the people. Some even go as low as using religion as a weapon of political attack. My hearts break when I read such articles….when will all these end??
I remember growing up with many of my friends who are Malays, Chinese and some from East Malaysia. We never view each other differently. We celebrate Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas together by visiting each other’s house. Our parents treat each of us equally. When we laugh, we laugh together and when we cry, we cry together. I have never seen during my schooling days where our teachers condemn us because of our race or religion. We respect each other. No one have to tell us not to “tempt” our Muslim friends during the fasting month. We will eat quietly in the canteen and apologize when we drink water in front of them. We do it because we respect the act of faith our Muslim friend practice during the month of Ramadan. The same goes with my Muslim friends. They will apologize if they eat beef in front of us. When we visit their home, their parents will keep side any dishes that has beef in it. Such a respect we have for each other.
To all Malaysian, let us celebrate Merdeka differently this year. Let us embrace each other and let us build this nation together again. Let us put aside our differences and focus on things that will help this nation to leap forward in every aspect of nationhood.
I am proud to be “Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia”
God bless Malaysia.
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