Sunday, January 10, 2010

Placing God's plan ahead of your own!

Joseph [Mary's] husband, being a just man...Matthew 1:19 NKJV

Joseph's role in the Christmas story teaches us two things:

1) your character matters to God and

2) doing God's will is not easy.

Jesus' earthly father was a small town carpenter living in Nazareth, a single-camel dot on the map. Why Joseph? Doesn't God have better options? A major part of the answer lies in his reputation, which he's willing to give up for Jesus.

'Then Joseph [Mary's] husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly.' The phrase 'a just man,' recognises Joseph's character. He'd earned respect through a lifetime of honesty and hard work. We'd probably view him as we would an Elder, Deacon or Lay Preacher.

But Mary's announcement, 'I'm pregnant', put it all at risk. Now what? On one hand he has the law; on the other hand he has his love. The law says, 'stone her'; his love says, 'save her'. Joseph is caught in the middle. Doing the will of God is rewarding, but seldom easy! Even after the angel explains to him the miracle of virgin birth, he still faces a dilemma. Make up a lie and preserve his place in the community, or tell the truth and kiss his reputation goodbye.

He makes his decision, 'Joseph… took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son… ' (Matthew 1:24-25 NKJV). Joseph swapped his teaching and his preconceived ideas for a pregnant fiancĂ©e and an unplanned son. In so doing, he made the big decision of discipleship. What's that? Placing God's plan ahead of your own!

Note: The article above is taken from daily devotion email from The Word for Today brought by TheVine in association with The Rhema Broadcasting Group Inc, New Zealand and UCB International Ltd

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