Friday, December 5, 2008


We live in a world where we compete to be the best in what ever we embark on. We teach our children and our teenagers the importance excellence but sometimes we miss the mark in ensuring that excellence must be obtained with a servant-hood heart. Healthy competition are good for the soul when it leads to excellence but not when it leads to striving for self-glory. We got to watch out this danger of self-glory. Self-glory to a certain degree will lead to destruction of one's soul. We got to watch out even in our christian ministry. We would be doing well in our ministry but we must be aware the danger of self-glory.

One day Christ's disciples started arguing about who would be the greatest in His kingdom. Jesus listened, then He picked up a towel and a basin of water and began to wash their feet. When He finished they were speechless, their hearts exposed, their attitudes corrected. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who...made Himself of no reputation (Philp 2:5-7).

Jesus taught us excellence through serving others. The Son of God shows us excellence by washing the feat of his disciples. In fact the bible says in order to be the greatest, we got to be the least among all. Least here speaks about excellence with a servant's heart. It does not talk about defeat or being a failure As we approach another weekend, let us learn to serve rather than striving for self-glory.

Have a great weekend and Be Blessed.

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